Structuring healthy bones is indeed crucial. Scientifically, until the age of 30 years, you’ve attained the highest bone mass as minerals keep on accumulating into bones since early childhood. However, if your body fails to achieve enough bone mass by then, you may face loss of bones or fragile bones that can break easily. There […]

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Our scalp contains follicles that help in hair growth. A particular gland type also contributes to keeping the surface moisturized and smooth. Nowadays, many people struggle with dandruff issues. Furthermore, dandruff causes the scalp to flake and dry, leading to itchiness and redness. However, dandruff’s precise cause is still unknown; professionals believe it is associated […]

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Vitamin B12 is a significant vitamin of the B-complex vitamins and is essential for overall health. In particular, vitamin b12 assists other B vitamins in processing carbohydrates into glucose that ultimately contributes to generating energy. It further helps maintain nerve tissue health, brain functions, and the development of red blood cells. Also, vitamin B12 is […]

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Without a doubt, papaya leaf juice helps increase the platelet count in dengue patients. As platelet count goes drastically down in dengue patients, it can undoubtedly have disastrous results. Therefore, it becomes crucial for doctors to enhance platelet count in patients suffering from dengue. For this purpose, papaya juice has been scientifically proven to be […]

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Zinc has served as a significant nutrient that supports growth ever since childhood. Besides development, it works wonders when building strong immunity in the human body. Thus, zinc plays an essential role in carrying out several functions. It further helps the body to develop proteins and DNA. Additionally, it supports healing and repairing. Also, it […]

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Malaria, a mosquito-borne disease, is widely present in India. Therefore, malaria prevention is an important subject to discuss and propagate. It involves protecting oneself from mosquito bites and residing in an environment that does not support mosquito breeding. As per the top health authorities, travellers, pregnant women, and children are more prone to malaria. For […]

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